Customized contracts
Customized contracts
Why service contracts?
Only a turbine in top condition delivers the highest efficiency.
Preventive basic maintenance
Revising maintenance
Full-service all-in agreement
24/7 monitoring & control
Customized solutions+
Monitoring and maintenance
With a reliable communication system and a SCADA server we analyze malfunctions and operate wind turbines remotely. Thanks to sharp monitoring, we always have a good view on the performance your wind turbines. Alarm notifications are always received and acted upon. This is how we create optimal response time and avoid unnecessary downtime.
Wondering what we can do for your
wind turbines could mean?
“Our maintenance contracts are
flexible so you can choose the options
that fit your challenges.”
Occupational health inspections
Safety is at the heart of our work; our people are our most important asset. That’s why together we make sure wind turbines are safe to work in. We follow the Occupational Health and Safety Act. A certified company should inspect all work equipment annually. These include fire extinguishers, ladders, climbing guide systems, elevators and electric hoists. Iver has the necessary certifications to do these inspections.